Monday, June 4, 2007

Good Morning!

This is the first post in my new blog. My hope is that by posting my experiences this summer as I am on my sabbatical, I can allow those in the congrgation to easily follow my journey as God leads me.

Not only can read what I post on here, but you can respond once you've registered (a simple process). I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Pastor Bob


Heidi said...

Hello Pastor Sloan! I hope you are enjoying your time away spending it with family, friends and mostly growing closer to The Lord and allowing him to speak to your heart in new and exciting ways. All is well here at home, Pastor Wayne is doing a great job giving the messages and I am pleased to say women's ministry is moving forward in a Christ centered direction thanks to Rosie. It is so good to have that again at Calvary. Don is doing OK and slowly getting stronger, I hope to have him in church this Sunday. Did you get the pics of Rosco? We are so happy to have him, he is a great dog. I knew you would appreciate seeing some pics, maybe this fall you will bring another dog into your home. Hope Ann doesn't see this, she might hunt me down in church and have a word with me! Anyway, we will pray for your safety and for God to lead you during this time away. Love, Heidi

Pastor Bob said...

Hey Heidi,

Sorry for the delay, I didn't notice your post right away.
I did get the picturs (I'm jealous - but the 6 months is almost up.) Now we are a bit preoccupied with the baby.

Great to hear about Don's progress, we'll keep praying.