Monday, March 9, 2009


In a little more than a week, we be leaving for 2 weeks in Israel, Jordan and Egypt. I've been before, but it is always a thrill to walk where Jesus walked and see the terrain that Jesus saw. As we have been getting ready, we have been studying the journeys of the Israelites through the wilderness.

This week, in Numbers 22, they were camped out at the Jordan River across from Jericho. They had conquered every people group they had encountered and were probably feeling pretty good. Over on the hills behind Jericho, Balak, the King of the next victim was worried. So he tried to enlist the gods. He calls for a seer named Baalam (the one with the donkey). The angel of the Lord interferes and Baalam ends up blessing Israel instead of cursing them. Israel had no idea God was protecting them, they thought they had it covered. How many times does God protect us where we are unaware?

As Baalam is leaving a very dissatisfied customer (I'm guessing he got paid in advance!) he offers one more helpful hint. He tells the king to send in the women. Really, its in Numbers 25. The women tempt the men with sexual favors, and ultimately lead them into an orgy-like worship of Baal. God responds with a plague that wipes out 24,000. This time Baalam's plan worked. On the one had it is that old adage that pride goes before destruction (Pr 16:18) on the other it is an indication that sex outside of marriage pulls us away from God.

In our country where sex is promoted everywhere, it does make you wonder if Baalam's plan is still working and still pulling people away from God. I just read a survey today that said religion of any kind is continuing a downward trend in our country.

The rest of the message is on Calvary's website if you interested. The parallels between them and us aren't pretty.

So, in 11 days we set off for Israel. I hope not too confident and I also hope with open minds to see what the Lord will teach us. My plan at the moment is to blog daily from where ever we are. I'm not sure there is access in Petra of Mt. Sinai, but we'll see. We appreciate your prayers for our group of 20. But remember, we are all of us on a journey just like Israel was. Don't get too proud to allow yourself to be distracted from where God is leading.

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